Monday, July 12, 2010

Da Woman

So I recently had this conversation with my sons recently:

Me to Son 1: Who is the most import woman in you life?
Son 1: You Mom! Of course you!
Me: Good answer

Me to Son 2: Who is the most important woman in your life?
Son 2: Ummm... Hillary Clinton!!!!
Me: Are you kidding me? You can't be serious!
Son 2: Yeah I was kidding.
Me: So who is the MOSTEST important woman in your life?
Son 2: Nancy Pelosi. Definitely Nancy Pelosi.

Le sigh!

So who is the most important woman in your life? For me it would definitely be Madonna my Mom.


mythopolis said...

Ummmm? The one I am with at the time?

Scriber's Web said...


NicoleB, Egypt said...

The Queen,... ah, no, Angela :)