Maybe he'll call me
maybe he won't
maybe i'll see him
maybe i won't
maybe i love him
maybe i don't
maybe he loves me
maybe he don't
maybe i'll think of him
maybe i won't
maybe he'll think of me
maybe he won't
maybe oh maybe
maybe my baby...
This site is about everything, something and nothing.
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Thanks for visiting me....
a couple of the poem,
blurry fotos...for me, it can be amazing, but depending on what the subject is!
and next month, I am hoping to do the nablopomo!
Wish me luck!
I hope you continue to visit..I'll be visiting you, if you don't mind!
Neat little poem. Life's full of ambiguities isn't it? I love all the photos you post...
I love the poem! I have to dig out my poems.
I'm in the process of finally sitting down to write my book. I'm in the middle of doing character profiles now. I wish I had the time to just do it. It is so frustrating. I have a pretty set "storyboard"..I'm just trying to decide the genre I'm going with. It is like a "mutt" - a little bit of everything.
Thank you for visiting my night clouds post. I had to laugh at the post about your husband's girlfriend. I understand that birds can regard someone as their mate. Very cute bird...And I like the blurry photo too. It's nice to try different things and not always try to take the perfect photo...
Ballerian Girl,
Thanks for visiting! I hope you continue to visit. Good luck with Nablopomo in September. I look forward to reading the blog.
Mrs. Bear,
Thank you so much! I am experimenting with my camera so some days they are crazy photos. But crazy is ok:)
Yes you should pull them out and post them. I used these when I had no content:)
I cannot be a photo-journalist or naturalist photographer, altho I love all such photos. It is that there is this conflict between being in the experience and detaching from it in order to document it. I am not taking a big attitudinal stance about my issues. I admire people who seem to do this very well. I don't. But I do bring a camera to some social events where I don't feel at home. It gives me a way to detach from the moment and people are happy to pose. I do have photographer friends who know how to do this. For me it has always been, I am going to either shoot this experience or I am going to just be in it.
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