I've been busy fighting fires and working on tons of exciting stuff. It's all job related so I won't bore you with all that stuff. Suffice to say that I am excited about wrapping up projects, starting new and exciting ones.
Question: Are you working on an exciting project? Do tell! Or if you have written about it on your blog, do paste a link.
Happy Wednesday!
Yes, I am about to start an exciting project, but I have to wait on someone to send me the materials, and right now she is too busy putting out fires. : )
WV: distnesi...its when your destiny gets messed up.
Nope, nothing going on over here.
Noone to play with.
Not in the mood anyway ;)
Have fun!
Great picture!
Yes, I'm working on an exciting project, and hoping to make some reasonable headway with it sometime soon. :)
I'll blog about it in a few days, I guess.
I have an exciting project with a new washing machine going on which I may blog about soon. Hope you're enjoying your busy work schedule.
love that photo!
It's important to keep doing new projects and purging stale ones. It takes a certain amount of discipline along with a measure of luxury to keep one's time available for what you really want to do...
I am so glad you asked! Here is my list: I am working with a designer on a new website design. My website was designed in 1998...way passed due for a redo. I am trying to learn the ins and outs of Wordpress. Planning a trip to Paris with my Honey. Trying to learn French & Italian and it is not going well. I have 2 biz books to finish reading to meet Q1 & Q2 personal goals. I started a new blog http://fullmeasure.wordpress.com and would love to post every day....if I had the time. Also in the evenings, I am working on an SEO project for a client and a translation project for a Cleantech site... English to Mandarin and Russian. Immediately, I am looking for a romantic (possibly steamy) novel that is set in Paris - historical or not. (To read on the plane) Any recommendations? Sorry Scriber's Web to hijack your blog with a request. :)
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