Now I know why they call this a lens baby. A baby is a baby. Requires a ton of knowledge, practice, hard work, and patience. And it does not come with a decent manual. Nor are there any guarantees off success.
I have to say that working with Lensbaby has been more challenging that what I anticipated. I might even be way in over my head on this one. But that's a good thing. I'll keep practicing and get better at it.
If the photos you see here are not great, it is because I am learning about my lenses. Not because lensbaby is bad.
Having said that, I wish that they would have better manuals. Sure they are cute but where is the beef? There is absolutely no information about mounting the lens. It took me a while to snap it on.
Then there is this weird looking contraption that comes with it. What the heck is it? More on that later....
I am lucky to have a photographer friend Carol who can answer these questions for me. Lensbaby certainly assumes that you have some knowledge and experience with cameras. So get more experience or keep a friend handy.
Here is another photo of the same flower.
I have to say that I took a whole bunch of photos that were completely black or white. Manual settings require a ton of knowledge so I knew I was going to fail in the beginning.
I am not afraid of failure. Failure has taught me more important lessons than success. So I hope to learn more and play more. Failure will pave the path to my success.
But this does remind me of the good old days when I was raising babies at home.
Why won't you do what I ask you to do?
Why won't someone tell me what I am supposed to do?
Why does this not come with a decent manual?
What if I drop it?
Mom!!!!! Help Please!!!!!
I feel your pain ;)!
ha ha...great! Keep it comin'!
You know... JFK himself is credited with a quote that should inspire you to boldly go where you have not gone before...
"Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly"
So go forth and conquer that lensbaby!
I'm sorry you are having issues with the lensbaby....but I have to say...that 2nd picture is awesome! The flower looks like it is popping out of the picture. Cool!!
Try and have a good day my friend!!! Hugs :)
What a bummer, I'm sorry it's been giving you stress. You were so excited too! I got your email by the way, Sorry work has been driving me crazy crazy. But I will respond here shortly. I like the shots of the flower you took.
Show that Lensbaby who's boss! lol :)
i like the flower fotos....but being nowhere near as knowledgeable as you, what exactly is a lensbaby supposed to do?
I understand, obviously, that it is a lens for your camera, but what is the "special" about it?
always looking to learn myself!
I got a little relaxer for you.
Check out my link ;)
Ha. Understanding your lens sounds a lot like parenting. I liked the flower photos though. Good luck learning to "understand" your baby.
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