Yesterday I spent some time with my photography mentor Carol to go over the 22 flower shots. We had to pick the 3 most strongest ones. It was tough. Carol is brutally honest with me and will tell me what worked or what did not. And when I am over forcing something. She helps me grow as a photographer and develop my eye.
So we made a decision and then I showed her some of the other photographs. She liked some of my rejects so we changed the top 3.
Then I told her that I had a wall in my house that did not have anything on it. Could she please give me advice which photos to put on the walls? I was looking for interior decorating tips. Instead... she loved one of the photos of the wall, cabinet and flowers. It had to be in the show.
For a lot of photos I took, I spent a lot of time creating a composition, thinking and planning them. This photo, I just snapped. But she loved it. It was gallery worthy.
So we went back to the square one and started picking the top 3 again. I can tell you this. It is so nice to have a veteran photographer in your pocket. I would share these with you but I still have to put some finishing touches. And maybe even re-shoot some of these.
The deadline is this Saturday morning so I have to act fast. If I get in, I get in. If not, I am turning my house into a gallery. And you are all invited to the opening.