Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So the other day I noticed that my purse was becoming way too heavy. And I decided to dump everything out on a table to see what exactly I had.

And here is what I found:

  • IPod. Nothing wrong with that.
  • Moo Cards. Yeah! Still giving them away!
  • 5 pens and a notepad. You never know when the urge to write strikes you!
  • Makeup. Lots of it. And I don't even wear that much makeup. But gotto have 3 lipsticks, 2 lip gloss and numerous other stuff handy.
  • Change Purse. You never know when you need to cash in that change for some lunch!
  • USB Drive: A techie girl always carries one in her purse. Don't you?
And the most perplexing thing found in my purse:

  • A hand operated battery/torch. What in the world? It is one of those wind up batteries you can use if you have a flat tire in the middle of wilderness. Or the lights go out in the middle of the night during a tornado. I have no idea how that landed in my purse. Someone must have given it to me but I have no recollection who.
So tell me. What's in your purse?


Sumit said...

Lol! Women's purses/handbags always remind me of those cartoon movies, where they pull out all kinds of junk that no one even knows existed inside. :P

Unknown said...

I currently don't use them often, but hypothetically:

*wallet (with change)
*extra battery
*camera cloth
*small notebook & 1 pen

depending on where we go and weather
*raincover for cam

depending on what we do
*camera manual to have something to read

and depending on who we meat
*Hungarian dictionary

and often hubby's wallet and passport


mythopolis said...

Hey! Wait a minute, Scriber....what about that chrome scissor looking device....aren't those used for pulling people's fingernails out?

Laura Marchant said...

Oh I would be afraid to do this, lol!

Betty said...

This is a lot of the stuff I have in my purse too. I was so thinking of posting a pic of the stuff I carry in my purse just today. Totally weird. lol!

Scriber's Web said...

Sauron: Ha ha. It would make an interesting game wouldn't it?

Nicole: Oh the freedom to be without a purse! I am so envious! I also carry a separate camera bag with me. I've been taking photos for my work so I take the camera to work almost everyday. No tripod though:)

Mythos: The chrome thing is an eyelash curler. Don't ask. But in a jiffy, it can be used as a torturing device:)

MM: Come on! Show us what's in your purse!

Betty: Do it! I want to see what's in your purse:)

BLOGitse said...

ok purse is a bag not a wallet...
even less interesting than my wallet!
but i could show you my nailpolish collection?
hahah :)