Yeah! I completed Nablopomo! One post a day!
Now what?
Should I take a break? Should I do this again in December? Are you doing it in December? The theme is thankful. If you are doing daily posts in December, can you please comment here so I can read your blogs?
Nablo was a fabulous experience this month. I made new friends and learned a lot. Here are some things I learned.
- Writing has a life of its own. Before I started this month, I made a list of all the possible posts. If you had told me that I would be writing a soap opera about wine names, I would have laughed my head off. I mean how ridiculous is it? I can use my words to change the world. Or sway an opinion or two. I can make this world a tad better place. And I chose this topic? If I die today, will I be remembered as the crazy person who wrote a soap opera about wines? Even though I write it, I think it is crazy.... But never fear my blog readers. I will continue to post these every Monday. If you hate them, don't read my Monday posts. I have enough wine names for this opera to last at least a month or so. Also, you should know that I have a crush on the Purple Cowboy. How crazy is that?
- I love comments. I love reading them on my blog and posting comments. But lurkers are welcome here also. But I did learn something about myself. Some days I may not get around posting comments or responding to comments. But I always read them and love them. That does make a little selfish yes I know. But I do spring back and start commenting again.
- I don't like to do Memes much. Why? I don't really know. Maybe because I have to reveal too much personal information? Or I'd rather write a boring post about something irrelevant than about me? I really don't know. I love reading other bloggers' Memes though. Does that mean I have double standards? Maybe. I don't know.
- I love reading other blogs. This has opened up a whole new world for me. Some blogs are comment friendly and others are not. It is ok either way. As long as I get to read what they are writing. And yes I do lurk at some blogs and not leave comments. I've had a few experiences where a blogger was like, "who are you and why are you reading this?" That is ok too.
- I love getting awards but really don't know who to give them out to. Every time I get an award, all the blogs I am a fan of have already received them at least once or twice. Then there are some who don't care for awards at all. So I never know what to do. I feel ecstatic and bad at the same time.
- I hate chain emails. What does it have to do with blogging? Nothing. But I have to say it. If you send me one, you should know that I will break the chain. It doesn't matter how important your cause is. Or unimportant and fun. I will break the chain. Even if you threaten me that bad things will happen to me if I leave it in my inbox. I recently got a recipe exchange email from someone. Write up a recipe and ask 20 of your best friends to participate. I don't really have 20 best friends. Maybe that makes me a bad person. Oh well. The email still sits in my inbox. I should delete it today. Yes I am a chain breaker.
- So where was I? Oh yeah. What I learned...
- I made a ton of friends. I mean real friends. The ones that really care about you and will give you a shoulder to cry on, send you emails when you are writing stupid wine operas but they know that you are very upset about something that is happening in the world. And friends who will make you laugh. And make you feel good about yourself in the bleakest of times.